jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Scottish cardinal admits sexual misbehaviour

There is a new case of sexual misbehaviour. This time, the cardenal Keith O'Brien has declared that he done sexual misbehaviour. For this reason, he promise that he didn't relize chourch paractics. He did that declaration after his resignation from his position as archbishop

At first, he said that he resign for the dimission of the Papa, but last sunday, the cardenal said that in the past his sexual conduct was inappropiate. He has apologized with all the people of Scotland and finally he said that he will retiring.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Evernote says security has been breached by hackers

Evernote is a company that is used to save personal information like images or videoclips. The problem is that the company said that the program has found and blocked an stranger activity. Some people has tried stole inormation from Evernote. The company have already 50 milion users. Despite the strange activity, the company guarantees all the protection of the users information, but they have to change the password. 

Evernote has apologize and Bob Lord, the company's information security director, said that these action can't be realized by amateurs.

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Pakistan Karachi bomb blast kills dozens

There are 45 people who has died by a bomb explosion. The explosion has been done on Abbas Town and there are some buildings that have crashed. Some people said that there was a second explosion.

Nobody knows who has planted the bomb. The bomb has exploted while the people were on mosque. That mosque is a place where there are constanlly attaks. The explosion caused problems with the energy in the city and around 150 people have been damaged.

While, the police are investigating who planted the bomb and why.The families didn't bury the victims as a protest against the debility of the autorities.

NEWS 1: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21649412