The Uruguay Senate has legalized same-sex marriage last Thuesday. Also the achieve increase the minimum age for marriage: now is 16. But Human Rights Watch want to put the minimum of 18 for the two sex. Boris Ditrich said that urugayans have to have the right of equality and non-discrimination, so they can marriage with people of the same sex. Uruguay isn't the only country were people can marriage with his same sex: in 2010 was approved in Argentina and one year later in Brazil and also in some places of the rest of the world.
Here, in Spain, the situation isn't much different: the couples of the same sex can marriage since 2005. The biggest difference is that here the minimum age for marriage is 18 and I think that it's better the law of Spain, because with 16 people aren't sufficiently mature for marriage.
Personally, I haven't any problem with same-sex marriage. I think that if you have good judgement, you can decide who do you like and you can decide if your best partner is someone of you same sex. I don't understant why some people don't like same people coupole: what problem are if one boy/girl loves someone of his/her same sex?