domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Film revew: The Wave

Germany today. During the week of projects, high school teacher Rainer Wenger comes up with the idea of ​​an experiment to explain to students what is the operation of totalitarian governments. This begins an experiment that will end with tragic results.

In just a few days, which begins with a series of ideas innocuous as discipline and sense of community is becoming a real movement: THE WAVE. On the third day, students begin to isolate and threaten each one another.

When conflict finally breaks into violence during a game of water polo, the teacher decides not to proceed with the experiment, but then it's too late, WAVE has gotten out and finally there are two deads and the professor goes to with the police.


Name and Topic
3 facts I have learnt
Do I have any questions?
Ideas I copy for my oral presentation
General impresion
Raiza and Mireia
(climated change)
-Effect greenhouse referred
Take a paper with notes
(The most important religions)
Mahoma was born in Meca on 570 A.C.
Are you Christian?
:) :(

:) :(
Elsa and Helena


Sonia and Mohamed


Valentin and Joaquin
(Video games)

What kind of games do you play?

Marc and Pau
(The world financial crisis)
What kind of politic do you propose?

:) :(
Max and Laura
The types of fields.

:) :(


Empuriabrava is a turistic village that belongs to Castelló d'Empúries, Alt Empordà. Is one of the most important maritim resident of Europe, with 24km of waterways and 1'5km of beaches. Actually the people who live there are around 8.000, but in summer, with the turists, can be around 75.000.At first, the major want to make Emuriabrava like Florida and Venice and they get it.

How we can see the economy of Empuriabrava is based in the turists and there are a lot of things that you can do. The most important is the skydiving, that is one of the most important of the world. Every year go ther to jump around 125.000 turist. An other entry of money is the street of Los Arcos, where you can go shop, play to games rooms, go to discos, to restaurants,...

Also the village have one primary school and one high school, but is probablly that they close, because there aren't money. Also there are two football teams, one basketball teams and other sports that you can practise.

In conclusion I think that Empuriabrava is a turistic village where everybody want to stay in summer.



Let's talk about lefties

I'm going to do this writting because I'm left-handed and I want to learn something about we.

The left-handed are one small change in the phenotype. The left-handed childrens aren't aware of the problems of the quotidian life, for example in the school. 

The left.handed are in all the world, but there are more man than women left. Nobody knows why, but scientist knows that the true is that around the half of the world born left-handed,but the society forces to they to be rights. So only between 8-13% of the people of the world are left. The porcentage of lefties are more big if twins are born and people with head problems. 

A lot of studies said that the lefties can be more intelligens or more creative that rights, because this world are make for the right and this is a problem for lefts. For this the lefties have to invent forms of life for do that the things for rights are for left-handed. 

An others problems for the left-handed are that they live nine years less that rights because this world are maked for they. For example: in the chairs that have desks are for rights, the mouse of computers are for rights and for left-handed of Occident, when they write they can't see his writting. This are some problems, but now we can find more things for left-handed.

Now I show you some some left-handeds:

Leo Messi, Barack Obama, Jim Carrey,...


Employment or bulls?

In one city of Spain (Guijo de Galisteo) 115 neighbors voted in favor to have employed, but the others 40 neighbors voted for that the money is spent in the bulls, as always. But in two others town that belongs to Guijo voted in favor the bulls. In the vote have not participed all the neighbors, only 40% in Guijo, 27% in Batán and 27'6% in Valrío.

To avoid the problems, the major of Guijo have decide that each result will be separate, in other words, in Guijo, the money (5000 euros) going to use in make employment, while in the other two villages the money going to use in make the party of the bulls. For the major the vote hasn't been a surprise, because in Guija there aren't a tradition with the bulls, while in the others two yes. He also said that the money of the bulls can be good for the people because they party also make employment.

Some people are very happy because they said that is more important make emplyment because the party only lasts two days but the factures lasts all of the year. By an other band, the youngests want to celebrate the party because they said that they are very young for work and they prefer have fun in the party.

In conclusion we can see that the crisis doesn't affect everyonre the same. Some people prefere have fun, above all the youngest, and some prefer have employment.


viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

New York want to ban...

The major of New York want to ban the sell of refreshments drinks with more than half litre and with a lot of sugar in restaurants, cinemas,... He do this for reduce the obesity in the city.

He said this in the diary The New York Times today and the companies of this drinks are disagree with this law because this law they can lose a lot of money. Also he said that the obesity is a nacional problem in all United States and the responsables of the public healthy feel sad but the don't do anything. The law can be use probably at next year.

Personally I think that this law is very important for the people and the future of United States and I hope that this law expend around the world, because the obesity is a thing that is very bad for the health. Also this law can helps to people to become more athletics.