I'm going to do this writting because I'm left-handed and I want to learn something about we.
The left-handed are one small change in the phenotype. The left-handed childrens aren't aware of the problems of the quotidian life, for example in the school.

A lot of studies said that the lefties can be more intelligens or more creative that rights, because this world are make for the right and this is a problem for lefts. For this the lefties have to invent forms of life for do that the things for rights are for left-handed.
An others problems for the left-handed are that they live nine years less that rights because this world are maked for they. For example: in the chairs that have desks are for rights, the mouse of computers are for rights and for left-handed of Occident, when they write they can't see his writting. This are some problems, but now we can find more things for left-handed.
Now I show you some some left-handeds:
Leo Messi, Barack Obama, Jim Carrey,...
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