domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

The causes of the cultural splendor in classic Greece

How everybody know, the classic Greece has marked a good time in the human history, when the culture of Greece develop his maximum progress.

One of the subjects where more has developed the culture was in the art, above all in esculture. In this time they started to use the bronze and the marble, considering that those materials are the best for make escultures. Some of the best sculptors of this time were Fidias and Mirón, between others. Also they learned to use ceramic.Moreover, also was shone the developo of the theatre. This literary genre was the genre most commonly used. They use them for make feel good the people of the villages. With reference to philosophy, there was a lot of philosophers that nowdays they're currently known, for example Socrates, Pluton or Aristoteles. 

For finish, I can conclude that the classic Greece was an will be one of the most important times in the human history.


ETA need help from UE

ETA send to France Press a letter where its says that ETA claim to European Union that say to Spain and France have the peace process and start a "direct dialogue" between the two countries and ETA. The terrorists said to Spain that they didn't more atempts but they say it to France.

The European Union have the responsability of support ETA and arrive to a solution for everybody. ETA confirm that they do everything for arrive in a solution and stay in peace and they say that Spain and France should answer positively because the organization stop do terrorism. The objective of the letter is give solutions at the conflicts and live in peace. According to ETA, the live a lot of years without democratic solution, although now between the government and the terrorist are making the peace and ending with the vandalism.


domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

The life of vegetarians

According to some experts in vegetarianism, is a fact that the persons who didn't eat meat, frecuentlly, are more healthy that the others, because the nivel of cholesterol is more lower and they suffer less heart attack and others diseases.

I think that the vegetiarism isn't bad for people, but is bad if you are vegetarian in excess. There are some people that they didn't eat dairy products, like milk or basic products, like eggs and this ism't good for the organism, because the body can miss some important vitamins. So, I think that should be a law that ban the vegetarianism in the childrens, as that can hinder child's growth and in his case is very important consume some products like eggs, milk,...

In my opinion, I consider that one normal diet is more healthy that one vegetarian diet, because the normal diet includes food without meat, while the vegetarian only have vegetables. Neither I defend the normal diet, because in a lot of cases the people abuse eat meat and that produces obesity, above all in childrens and cholesterol, above all in olds. 

For finish, I want to say that is very important that the childrens are not vegetarians, because that hurt them


sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

In the objects the least important is the brand

I'm one the few person that didn't think that the brand is the most important in the object. It is true that in almost all the objects with a great brand usually are better that those without or they haven't, but there are some exepcions. For example, the yogurts: in my case I  didn't think that there are yogurts which are better than others and for this, didn't cosider that is justificable that one yogurt Danone is one or two euros more expensive that one without brand. In contrast, in the clothes I think that the price can be change according the brand, considering that the clothes without brand are worse and lower quality that the clothes with brands.
Personally, I think that the brand are one of the things that lower importance in the brand, but in general isn't accord with me. The people want to have social prestige and, for this, the brands have a lot of importance. 

We need to dial that the objectives of the brands is that the people have social prestige and get more money. So, the conclusion is that the brand is the low important and the most important is meet our need either that object that is.

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The dissapearance of tropical forests

Every year dissapear milions of hectares of tropicals forests in the world. The consequnce of this is that they are dissapearing, and for this reason we have to do somthing now, otherwise in some years they'll extinguished. 

This dissapears are caused for differents reasons. The peasants go to this forests for use them for practise the agriculture, and they burn and cut the forests for win money. Also the companies of wood go there and also win money. An other cause is the explotation mines that do destroyed a lot of hectares. This explotation was the first and he opened the ways to others companies for use the tropicals forests.

Last, an other cause is the creation of electric dams, very useful for use the water for create electric energy, but they not thinking in the thousands of hectares destroyed and that they will finish destroyed the forests. I think that everybody have the responsability of this, and a lot of years before this haven't importance, but now is very important.

If we want to save the tropicals forests, everybody have to put somthing of responsability!

                                                                                                                                                YOUR-SAY 1