How everybody know, the classic Greece has marked a good time in the human history, when the culture of Greece develop his maximum progress.

One of the subjects where more has developed the culture was in the art, above all in esculture. In this time they started to use the bronze and the marble, considering that those materials are the best for make escultures. Some of the best sculptors of this time were Fidias and Mirón, between others. Also they learned to use ceramic.Moreover, also was shone the developo of the theatre. This literary genre was the genre most commonly used. They use them for make feel good the people of the villages. With reference to philosophy, there was a lot of philosophers that nowdays they're currently known, for example Socrates, Pluton or Aristoteles.
For finish, I can conclude that the classic Greece was an will be one of the most important times in the human history.
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