sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

In the objects the least important is the brand

I'm one the few person that didn't think that the brand is the most important in the object. It is true that in almost all the objects with a great brand usually are better that those without or they haven't, but there are some exepcions. For example, the yogurts: in my case I  didn't think that there are yogurts which are better than others and for this, didn't cosider that is justificable that one yogurt Danone is one or two euros more expensive that one without brand. In contrast, in the clothes I think that the price can be change according the brand, considering that the clothes without brand are worse and lower quality that the clothes with brands.
Personally, I think that the brand are one of the things that lower importance in the brand, but in general isn't accord with me. The people want to have social prestige and, for this, the brands have a lot of importance. 

We need to dial that the objectives of the brands is that the people have social prestige and get more money. So, the conclusion is that the brand is the low important and the most important is meet our need either that object that is.

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