domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Prison hardships rise in Portugal as crisis drags on

According to Júlio Rebelo, the situation in the prisons became intolerable because the prisoners want to stay at there. They thinks that it's better stay at prision than go out and stay with their families, in other words, they prefer to stay at prision and have to eat than go out and not know wath will happend if they go out. Mr. Rebelo said that he never seems something like this.

Despite this, they aren't so comfortable; because of the crisis in the world, the guardians of the jail has to take up his own higienic paper, according to Mr.Rebelo. 

So the government has manipulated the number of prisoners for avaliable the space in the prison and put more prisoners in the same prison. And this is a problem for the guards, because they cannot control all the situation.

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