The structure of the two families is very similar because the two families have a lot of problems. I can say that the two adolescence have grown up without paternal reference, Adrian without mum and Tracy without dad, because the mum of Adrian didn't lend attention him and Tracy's dad didn't stay with she. An other difference is that Tracy have one brother while Adrian haven't any.
At the begin of the film, Tracy have a good relation with her family, but
when she meet Evie, this relation change completely until Tracy hate her mum, her brother and the her mum boyfriend, but her mum want to change this relation, but she looks that is impossible because the character of Tracy is no good. The difference with Adrian is that Adrian don't hate her family, but her family don't lend attention him.
The personality of the two characters are very different. Adrian is a good boy with everybody and he study. Tracy, at the begin of the film is a good person and student too
, but her obsession for be a popular girl in the school transform him a rebel girl, especially when he meet Evie Zamora, the most popular girl. Finally, Evie is a bad influence for Tracy. So this confirm that Tracy haven't personality while Adrian don't change never, he always have the same character.Adrian only have two friends and he love one girl. Nobody lend attention to Adrian during the book and there is one person that hit him in the school. Tracy, but, have a good relation with the society until she separate of Evie. In this moment she was alone.
In conclusion, I can say that there is more differences that similarities.