domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

My ENGLISH competence in 2013!

Obviously I see an improvement on my level of english since 1st of Batchillerat. Above all, my level of english increase in the use of connectors and, the latest two years, I have learn a lot of new vocabulary that let me comunicate with other english speakers more fluency. But not only in english, also in catalan and spanish I  have learn a lot of new vocabulary. Coming back to english, if we compare one of my first redactions ("My prsentation") with one of the latest ("The globalitation"), we can see how in the first the words that I use are very basic words and very simply sentences, while in the second I use more complex vocabulary and sentences. 

To show our level of english, I think the best activities are the orals, because I think talking is the best way to learn any idiom. I think my best oral was my oral about my TDR, the Fula, above all, because was the second time that I did it.  

The activities that I think not are usefull are divide in groups the class like in 1st of Batchillerat, because students normally don't do anything at this time, only talk, but not in english. In spite of that, my favourite activity was watching films and I would like to do in second of Batchillerat also next year. 

PD: I linked two writings if you want to compare and I haven't my fula oral. 

The globalitation

We know like globalitation the extention of the economic relations between differents countries, making a mundial economy with a big dependence. Currently, there aren't any country self-sufficient, they need change products. With the globalitation, there are more economy relation.

With the globalitation, appears two new terms. First, internationalitation, in other words, opening to international markets. Thanks to the internationalition, there are multinationals, companies that are working in two or more countries. These companies have a big productivity capacity, a lot of resistece in the international market and they have the best tecnology for make their products. The secodn term is deslocalitation, that consists in move activity products from desenvolupated countries to subdesenvolupated. Then, the company reduce costs and achieve be more competitive. But the deslocalitationc have some cosnequences. For example: the number of unemployeds increase in the desenvolupated contries.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Metamorphosys (F.Kafka)

One morning, Gregor Samsa wake up convert in beetle. He don't surprise. How he was late in his job, his mother and sister goes to call him. He tries to stand up and open the door, but he can't. Then, his boss came to the house in order to know why Gregor isn't in the job. When he arrives, Gregor achieve open the door and all people see him. They were frightened. Then, the boss insults him and go out. After, Gregor's dad hit him with a walking stick and hurt him so much. Gregor was incoscient.

When Gregor wake up again, he only heard in the house what they have to do with him. How he was a beetle, he changes his costums and he starts to up for the walls. While, the members of the family starts to work, because Gregor was the only who have a job and now he couldn't work. After a time, his sister, who was who take cure of Gregor, decide to remove Gregor's rom, and she did it with the help of her mother. But the mother, when saw in this situation at his son, began to cry and gou out of the room. Her husband saw it and he thinks that Gregor hurt his wife. Then, h hit again his son. This time, he throw apples to Gregor. One of them got caught on Gregor's beetle body.

The family needs money and they decide to rent one room. Then, three persons rent it. One evening, while they have dinner, they heard who Gregor sister was touching the violin. Then, Gregor gou out of the room and when they saw the giganti beetle they go out of the house, without pay. Next day, the family decides what they have to do with Gregor and his sister propose kill him. But wasn't necessary, he was dead. Then, the family decides go away and forget all and start their lifes again.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The realism moviment

In the middle of XIX century, in Europe appears a new literary moviment: the REALISM. This moviment tries to limit the romaticism freedom and do novels completly realists, show the life the way it is. This moveiment appears in France. The writers uses the term realism to refere to the imitation of the nature and the descriptive caracter of the reality.

The maximum exponen of this moviment was Gustave Flaubert, considerated the best writer of his century. He wanted to describe exactly how was the reality and for this reason he took a long time to write his novels. Before publish them, he reads all and he always change something. His succeful novel was “Madame Bovary”, a novel that show us how was the socity in XIX century. The principal character is Mdme Bovary, who is very capricious and for this reason she finish dying.

An other two importants realism writers are Stendhal and Balzac.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Dialogue with an ex-student

In this dialogue I am going to talk with an ex-student of batchiller to know how was he feeling in the end of the course.

Me: Hello Omar, I am here to do some questions about you student's life at the end of second of batchillerat. Can you answer?

Omar: Yes, of course.

Me: I have a lot of problem to organise my calendar. There are a lot of exams and I play football four times at week. How did you organized?

Omar: Mmm.. Well, in first of batchillerat I played handball and this wasn't a problem for me, but in second, I had to leave handball, because, how you said, there are a lot of exams and not much time to study.

Me: So... you advise me to leave football?

Omar: Hahaha. No, no. It's depends of you. I couldn't play handball and study, but this not mean that you can't. You have to know that if you play football, probably you will be more tired and then you have to work hard and sacrifice yourself to pass the exams.

Me: Wow, it looks very hard. An other question: I know that your final marks weren't so good. You thinked that you don't pass the course?

Omar: Hum.. Since second therm I thinked that I don't pass the course! There was a moment, at final of second therm, that I thinked to leave school, but my dad help me to avoid this idea.

Me: My actual situation isn't very different. What do you advise to me?

Omar: Only one thing: WORK HARD!!

Me: Okay Omar, I will keep it. Thanks for your advises and for you time.

Omar: Good luck! Bye.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Goodbye for good

The exellent midfielder Paul Scholes will be retring of his professional football carrer. Is the secon time that he announces the retring, but this time, he will never returns.

He will play for last time this week against Swansea to pick up his 11th Premier League medal. He said that has been an honour playing with Manchester United under the greates manager of all time (sir Alex Ferguson).

Paul made his professional football debut in 1994 and will have 498 matches after playing today.

Some of the most importants achieves of Paul:

1994 debut with Manchester.
1997 called into national team
1999 United completed a historictreble, like FC Barcelona some years ago
2011 announces his first retirement
2013 announces his denfinetely retirement


Paul Scholes is a player who had gave a lot in football world. I think he changes the prototipe of midfielder that were in football last decade. He introduces the creativity and this helps so much his team. He is the player who gives the pause and the rhythm in the field. I can say that he influences in some football-players like Xavi Hernández (FC Barcelona) or Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid).

I think that nobody recognize the talent of this player, because he never win an individual trophy, and now could be the perfect moment for recognize it.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Brazilian woman survives harpoon shooting

The harpoon was in 1cm of killing Rosa. She had emergency surgey to remove the harpoon.

Apparently, the husband of Rosa had fires his spear gun while cleaning it. She was in the kitchen and repently the harpoon entered through her mouth. She was quikly taken to the regional hospital where she was operated. The doctors were surprised because they said that if the harpoon were on centimetre further in, she would have been paralysed; and if the harpoon were one centimetre further out, she would have been dead.


This case show us that in the life we are always in danger, although we think we are secure. I don't think that the husband want to kill his wife, but now he have to be care of this type of actions. This time, he was lucky, because his wife will be okay, but next time probably he don't have the same luck.

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Thousands abandon classrooms to join second education strike in 12 months

To avoid the education reform in Spain, teachers and students did a strike last Thursday. According to the Platform for Public Schooling, 72 percent of staff public followed the strike, while the Minestry of Education said that only 20 percent of staff public followed it.

That strike is the culmination of two weeks of protests. The cities where the demonstrations pointed where in Madrid, Valencia, Galicia, Murcia and Barcelona. Obviously, there was some altercations with police during the day.

This strike goes against “Wert's law”. Spanish people thinks that this law will be bad for the society, but Wert, and the government, thinks that the law will decrease high-school dropout rates.


My think is that the strike has help us so much, because the law has avoided for a time and I hope that government raise th law and don't approve it. Is obvious that Spain needs a new kind of education, but I think that the Wert's law isn't the way we have to choose. We should take like a model of education the system of other European countries like Findland or Germany, where the high-school dropout rates are lowest that here.