jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Dialogue with an ex-student

In this dialogue I am going to talk with an ex-student of batchiller to know how was he feeling in the end of the course.

Me: Hello Omar, I am here to do some questions about you student's life at the end of second of batchillerat. Can you answer?

Omar: Yes, of course.

Me: I have a lot of problem to organise my calendar. There are a lot of exams and I play football four times at week. How did you organized?

Omar: Mmm.. Well, in first of batchillerat I played handball and this wasn't a problem for me, but in second, I had to leave handball, because, how you said, there are a lot of exams and not much time to study.

Me: So... you advise me to leave football?

Omar: Hahaha. No, no. It's depends of you. I couldn't play handball and study, but this not mean that you can't. You have to know that if you play football, probably you will be more tired and then you have to work hard and sacrifice yourself to pass the exams.

Me: Wow, it looks very hard. An other question: I know that your final marks weren't so good. You thinked that you don't pass the course?

Omar: Hum.. Since second therm I thinked that I don't pass the course! There was a moment, at final of second therm, that I thinked to leave school, but my dad help me to avoid this idea.

Me: My actual situation isn't very different. What do you advise to me?

Omar: Only one thing: WORK HARD!!

Me: Okay Omar, I will keep it. Thanks for your advises and for you time.

Omar: Good luck! Bye.

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