domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

My ENGLISH competence in 2013!

Obviously I see an improvement on my level of english since 1st of Batchillerat. Above all, my level of english increase in the use of connectors and, the latest two years, I have learn a lot of new vocabulary that let me comunicate with other english speakers more fluency. But not only in english, also in catalan and spanish I  have learn a lot of new vocabulary. Coming back to english, if we compare one of my first redactions ("My prsentation") with one of the latest ("The globalitation"), we can see how in the first the words that I use are very basic words and very simply sentences, while in the second I use more complex vocabulary and sentences. 

To show our level of english, I think the best activities are the orals, because I think talking is the best way to learn any idiom. I think my best oral was my oral about my TDR, the Fula, above all, because was the second time that I did it.  

The activities that I think not are usefull are divide in groups the class like in 1st of Batchillerat, because students normally don't do anything at this time, only talk, but not in english. In spite of that, my favourite activity was watching films and I would like to do in second of Batchillerat also next year. 

PD: I linked two writings if you want to compare and I haven't my fula oral. 

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