domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

The globalitation

We know like globalitation the extention of the economic relations between differents countries, making a mundial economy with a big dependence. Currently, there aren't any country self-sufficient, they need change products. With the globalitation, there are more economy relation.

With the globalitation, appears two new terms. First, internationalitation, in other words, opening to international markets. Thanks to the internationalition, there are multinationals, companies that are working in two or more countries. These companies have a big productivity capacity, a lot of resistece in the international market and they have the best tecnology for make their products. The secodn term is deslocalitation, that consists in move activity products from desenvolupated countries to subdesenvolupated. Then, the company reduce costs and achieve be more competitive. But the deslocalitationc have some cosnequences. For example: the number of unemployeds increase in the desenvolupated contries.

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