viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The realism moviment

In the middle of XIX century, in Europe appears a new literary moviment: the REALISM. This moviment tries to limit the romaticism freedom and do novels completly realists, show the life the way it is. This moveiment appears in France. The writers uses the term realism to refere to the imitation of the nature and the descriptive caracter of the reality.

The maximum exponen of this moviment was Gustave Flaubert, considerated the best writer of his century. He wanted to describe exactly how was the reality and for this reason he took a long time to write his novels. Before publish them, he reads all and he always change something. His succeful novel was “Madame Bovary”, a novel that show us how was the socity in XIX century. The principal character is Mdme Bovary, who is very capricious and for this reason she finish dying.

An other two importants realism writers are Stendhal and Balzac.

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