domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Fula: my family language!

The fula is a african language which belongs to "nigercongolesa" family, one of the biggest families of the world. Within this familie, belongs to atlantic limb. This language is spoken in Tthe Subsaharian Africa. Actually, there are between 15-20 milions of people and only in eight countries is a oficial language. Also this language live with others like francais or english.

 The escripture of this language is in "ajaami". Anyone knows what is the origin of the "fulanis", but we know that they were the first people who practise Islam. An other thing is that the cientifics thinks that the fulanis come of the egipcians.

 Personally, I can speak in fula, but I don't like it, because when I do it, my family laught at me. My fula is poor and my pronuntiation is bad!


Naked man who climbed onto Withehall statue

His name is Dan Motrescu and he is 29 years old. He hasn't house and he was charged with possession of weapon in public space. 

He decides went there before the section of Westminster starts their meeting. During the time he were over the statue he made some postures like standing up over the head of the Withehall statue. Ho does that complety naked. Onlookers said that he had clothes before and the police has to closure the place. Finally the police can convince him to get down. Motrescu have to go at Wetminster Magistrate's Court next Monday. 

Madrid Arena ticket count shows venue was double capacity

As we know, in Madrid there was a few deads in a party. This perty was realized in Madrid Arena. 

A recount show us that the number of th¡ickets that are sold was the double of the capacity of the place. The capacity of the Madrid Arena is around 10.000 people and teh organizator said that he sold around 9.000 tickets, but one lawyer of one of the victim families said that there were around 18.000 people. For this there are a lot of imputates and they are now investigated. 

The victims are four girls that who died during stampide when someone threw a flare and an other girl who is hospitalized.

Ferguson takes swipe at new Chelsea coach Benitez

Sir Alex Ferguson has taken a swipe at Rafael Benítez appointment at Chelsea, after the team of London signs the contract with Benítez. He was designed new coach last Wedensday, after Chelsea lost agains Juventus. 

In 2009, Benítez criticised Ferguson and for this they haven't a good relationship. So, Ferguson defended the old coach of Chelsea (Roberto Di Matteo) for shows his bad relation with Benítez. Sir Alex said that everybody loves Di Matteo.


Prison hardships rise in Portugal as crisis drags on

According to Júlio Rebelo, the situation in the prisons became intolerable because the prisoners want to stay at there. They thinks that it's better stay at prision than go out and stay with their families, in other words, they prefer to stay at prision and have to eat than go out and not know wath will happend if they go out. Mr. Rebelo said that he never seems something like this.

Despite this, they aren't so comfortable; because of the crisis in the world, the guardians of the jail has to take up his own higienic paper, according to Mr.Rebelo. 

So the government has manipulated the number of prisoners for avaliable the space in the prison and put more prisoners in the same prison. And this is a problem for the guards, because they cannot control all the situation.

China holdout homeowners stuck in the road

The government of China want to demolish a block of buildings in Wenling. They will do that because the want to build a road in the same place where is the block. This case in China is apponted as "the case of nail", because the block is like a nail who is difficult to take out.

For this, a old marriage have complained and they demand a compensation of $41.300. The chineses thinks the government does not act by the good way.

At the moment, the road is being built, but anyone knows what will happen.

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

The bizarre case of Molly Morgan Muir

In the locality of Rye, Molly Morgan Muir tell tales, between other things, to a old woman. While she told this tales, she saw, every afternoon, one young ghost.

Firstly, Molly was fear of him, but, little by little, she was more confident and she started reading for the old woman and for the ghost. Although she died, Molly was going to the house, but then she doesn't read. How she saw that the ghost didn't come, she began to read some days and the ghost was appear.
Mollly became old. One day, the ghost wasn't appear and Molly did not know why. Still she was reading day after day, until one afternoon she found that the book mark that she was reading was in other page. She reads this page an, immediately she know the reason because the ghost not appear. This page said: "I don't like your voice, is very old". 

Then, Molly did a pact with the ghost: every Wedensday he comes to listen Molly until she dies.

Another suicide ahead of an eviction

In Barakado (Spain) one politic jumped of the six floor of her bloke. For this, the government want to reform the law about the evictions. She was suicide when she was extraited from his own house.

After this death the banks has suspended the evictions because of the social pressure. Thay are waiting for a new law to apply in this cases because the situation is very serious now. Surely the new law will be that, in extreme cases, enable a moratorium of maximum two years. The major of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, said he hope that the worst families would see the evictions paralysed for a time. 

The government and his supporters will do a meeting where they will do the plan for avoid the evictions. Also the socialist will do a meeting where they want to avoid the abuse of the banks.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Is really necessary the humour in our lives?

         In general, by one way or another, people like the funny things, the jokes,... in general, the humour. It's important that we like these things because, although not always, the humour make us feel good.

But, is really necessary the humour in our lives?

        Obviously yes. It's a very important characteristic in our lives. Personally, I can't imagine a world where the people don't laugh or don't make jokes. Actually we can find some campanies, TV programmes or includins people that try to make us laugh, for example "Alguna Pregunta Més?" (APM?) or clowns. We consider that this is humour because it makes us feel good and forget the our own problems for an instant.

      In spite of this, like in all the things, there are problems. In this case, the problem is that people, sometimes, can't make differences between jokes and reality, in other words, some people make jokes to despise other people. This is a big problem during the adolescence, where the jokes may be bad. Consequentlly, the one who is affected can react in a bad way and make a fight or, in extreme cases, be quiet and put up with the pain.

       In conclusion, people have to be in a good mood and accept jokes, but with a limit, without offending other people.

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Film revew: The Wave

Germany today. During the week of projects, high school teacher Rainer Wenger comes up with the idea of ​​an experiment to explain to students what is the operation of totalitarian governments. This begins an experiment that will end with tragic results.

In just a few days, which begins with a series of ideas innocuous as discipline and sense of community is becoming a real movement: THE WAVE. On the third day, students begin to isolate and threaten each one another.

When conflict finally breaks into violence during a game of water polo, the teacher decides not to proceed with the experiment, but then it's too late, WAVE has gotten out and finally there are two deads and the professor goes to with the police.


Name and Topic
3 facts I have learnt
Do I have any questions?
Ideas I copy for my oral presentation
General impresion
Raiza and Mireia
(climated change)
-Effect greenhouse referred
Take a paper with notes
(The most important religions)
Mahoma was born in Meca on 570 A.C.
Are you Christian?
:) :(

:) :(
Elsa and Helena


Sonia and Mohamed


Valentin and Joaquin
(Video games)

What kind of games do you play?

Marc and Pau
(The world financial crisis)
What kind of politic do you propose?

:) :(
Max and Laura
The types of fields.

:) :(


Empuriabrava is a turistic village that belongs to Castelló d'Empúries, Alt Empordà. Is one of the most important maritim resident of Europe, with 24km of waterways and 1'5km of beaches. Actually the people who live there are around 8.000, but in summer, with the turists, can be around 75.000.At first, the major want to make Emuriabrava like Florida and Venice and they get it.

How we can see the economy of Empuriabrava is based in the turists and there are a lot of things that you can do. The most important is the skydiving, that is one of the most important of the world. Every year go ther to jump around 125.000 turist. An other entry of money is the street of Los Arcos, where you can go shop, play to games rooms, go to discos, to restaurants,...

Also the village have one primary school and one high school, but is probablly that they close, because there aren't money. Also there are two football teams, one basketball teams and other sports that you can practise.

In conclusion I think that Empuriabrava is a turistic village where everybody want to stay in summer.



Let's talk about lefties

I'm going to do this writting because I'm left-handed and I want to learn something about we.

The left-handed are one small change in the phenotype. The left-handed childrens aren't aware of the problems of the quotidian life, for example in the school. 

The left.handed are in all the world, but there are more man than women left. Nobody knows why, but scientist knows that the true is that around the half of the world born left-handed,but the society forces to they to be rights. So only between 8-13% of the people of the world are left. The porcentage of lefties are more big if twins are born and people with head problems. 

A lot of studies said that the lefties can be more intelligens or more creative that rights, because this world are make for the right and this is a problem for lefts. For this the lefties have to invent forms of life for do that the things for rights are for left-handed. 

An others problems for the left-handed are that they live nine years less that rights because this world are maked for they. For example: in the chairs that have desks are for rights, the mouse of computers are for rights and for left-handed of Occident, when they write they can't see his writting. This are some problems, but now we can find more things for left-handed.

Now I show you some some left-handeds:

Leo Messi, Barack Obama, Jim Carrey,...


Employment or bulls?

In one city of Spain (Guijo de Galisteo) 115 neighbors voted in favor to have employed, but the others 40 neighbors voted for that the money is spent in the bulls, as always. But in two others town that belongs to Guijo voted in favor the bulls. In the vote have not participed all the neighbors, only 40% in Guijo, 27% in Batán and 27'6% in Valrío.

To avoid the problems, the major of Guijo have decide that each result will be separate, in other words, in Guijo, the money (5000 euros) going to use in make employment, while in the other two villages the money going to use in make the party of the bulls. For the major the vote hasn't been a surprise, because in Guija there aren't a tradition with the bulls, while in the others two yes. He also said that the money of the bulls can be good for the people because they party also make employment.

Some people are very happy because they said that is more important make emplyment because the party only lasts two days but the factures lasts all of the year. By an other band, the youngests want to celebrate the party because they said that they are very young for work and they prefer have fun in the party.

In conclusion we can see that the crisis doesn't affect everyonre the same. Some people prefere have fun, above all the youngest, and some prefer have employment.


viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

New York want to ban...

The major of New York want to ban the sell of refreshments drinks with more than half litre and with a lot of sugar in restaurants, cinemas,... He do this for reduce the obesity in the city.

He said this in the diary The New York Times today and the companies of this drinks are disagree with this law because this law they can lose a lot of money. Also he said that the obesity is a nacional problem in all United States and the responsables of the public healthy feel sad but the don't do anything. The law can be use probably at next year.

Personally I think that this law is very important for the people and the future of United States and I hope that this law expend around the world, because the obesity is a thing that is very bad for the health. Also this law can helps to people to become more athletics.


domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

The causes of the cultural splendor in classic Greece

How everybody know, the classic Greece has marked a good time in the human history, when the culture of Greece develop his maximum progress.

One of the subjects where more has developed the culture was in the art, above all in esculture. In this time they started to use the bronze and the marble, considering that those materials are the best for make escultures. Some of the best sculptors of this time were Fidias and Mirón, between others. Also they learned to use ceramic.Moreover, also was shone the developo of the theatre. This literary genre was the genre most commonly used. They use them for make feel good the people of the villages. With reference to philosophy, there was a lot of philosophers that nowdays they're currently known, for example Socrates, Pluton or Aristoteles. 

For finish, I can conclude that the classic Greece was an will be one of the most important times in the human history.


ETA need help from UE

ETA send to France Press a letter where its says that ETA claim to European Union that say to Spain and France have the peace process and start a "direct dialogue" between the two countries and ETA. The terrorists said to Spain that they didn't more atempts but they say it to France.

The European Union have the responsability of support ETA and arrive to a solution for everybody. ETA confirm that they do everything for arrive in a solution and stay in peace and they say that Spain and France should answer positively because the organization stop do terrorism. The objective of the letter is give solutions at the conflicts and live in peace. According to ETA, the live a lot of years without democratic solution, although now between the government and the terrorist are making the peace and ending with the vandalism.


domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

The life of vegetarians

According to some experts in vegetarianism, is a fact that the persons who didn't eat meat, frecuentlly, are more healthy that the others, because the nivel of cholesterol is more lower and they suffer less heart attack and others diseases.

I think that the vegetiarism isn't bad for people, but is bad if you are vegetarian in excess. There are some people that they didn't eat dairy products, like milk or basic products, like eggs and this ism't good for the organism, because the body can miss some important vitamins. So, I think that should be a law that ban the vegetarianism in the childrens, as that can hinder child's growth and in his case is very important consume some products like eggs, milk,...

In my opinion, I consider that one normal diet is more healthy that one vegetarian diet, because the normal diet includes food without meat, while the vegetarian only have vegetables. Neither I defend the normal diet, because in a lot of cases the people abuse eat meat and that produces obesity, above all in childrens and cholesterol, above all in olds. 

For finish, I want to say that is very important that the childrens are not vegetarians, because that hurt them


sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

In the objects the least important is the brand

I'm one the few person that didn't think that the brand is the most important in the object. It is true that in almost all the objects with a great brand usually are better that those without or they haven't, but there are some exepcions. For example, the yogurts: in my case I  didn't think that there are yogurts which are better than others and for this, didn't cosider that is justificable that one yogurt Danone is one or two euros more expensive that one without brand. In contrast, in the clothes I think that the price can be change according the brand, considering that the clothes without brand are worse and lower quality that the clothes with brands.
Personally, I think that the brand are one of the things that lower importance in the brand, but in general isn't accord with me. The people want to have social prestige and, for this, the brands have a lot of importance. 

We need to dial that the objectives of the brands is that the people have social prestige and get more money. So, the conclusion is that the brand is the low important and the most important is meet our need either that object that is.

                                                                                                                                                YOUR-SAY 2

The dissapearance of tropical forests

Every year dissapear milions of hectares of tropicals forests in the world. The consequnce of this is that they are dissapearing, and for this reason we have to do somthing now, otherwise in some years they'll extinguished. 

This dissapears are caused for differents reasons. The peasants go to this forests for use them for practise the agriculture, and they burn and cut the forests for win money. Also the companies of wood go there and also win money. An other cause is the explotation mines that do destroyed a lot of hectares. This explotation was the first and he opened the ways to others companies for use the tropicals forests.

Last, an other cause is the creation of electric dams, very useful for use the water for create electric energy, but they not thinking in the thousands of hectares destroyed and that they will finish destroyed the forests. I think that everybody have the responsability of this, and a lot of years before this haven't importance, but now is very important.

If we want to save the tropicals forests, everybody have to put somthing of responsability!

                                                                                                                                                YOUR-SAY 1

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012

Eminem - When I'm Gone Traducida y Subtitulada al Español [HD - Official...

Although the soung seem boring and sad, for me is very comfortable and i feel animated. Always that I go to play football with my team I listes this song. In conclusion this songs means a lot of me equals that the singer, Eminem.



Sonia Mesas: She's oral presenation is about Jamaica. Jamaica is situated in the Caribbean Sea. She tell us that the diet of Jamaica is very healty and there the people consume cannabis. Also they believe in God. She read a little from his notes.

General impression- :)

Moha and Max: Australia. Is the sixth largest country of the world. In 2006 the habitants were 20,6 millions and there are some indigenous. In the presentation they read a lot.

General impression- :) :(

Valentin and Joaquin: South Africa. The country have three capitals. In the country there are the oldest skeleton. They read a little.

General impression- :)

Edu Puig: Ireland. The popular drinks in Ireland are coffe and above all whisky. The popular food is the stew. In Ireland there aren't fauna. He read a lot of his notes.

General impression- :) :(

Mireia and Raiza: Hawaii. Hawaii is situed in the center of Ocean Pacífic. During the war, Hawaii was attaked in Pearl Harbor. In there there are a lot of volcanoes in the beaches.

General impression- :)

Nerea and Cristina: Canada. The best drink is whisky and their favourite sport is hockey. They speak two lenguages officials, English and French.

General impression- :) :(

Elsa and Helena: Chile- The capital of Chile is Santiago. In the north of the counrtry the clima is desert. Chile is independed since 18th of September.

General impression- :) :(
Eugene Simonet, a professor of social grade 7, face and soul equally scarred, decides to assign students the task of seeking to improve the world, at least to the surrounding community. Trevor McKinney, takes very seriously the proposal of his teacher and invents an ingeniously simple system: the idea is to help three people in something they could not achieve on their own, and instead that the favor is returned to one, each of these three should help three other people and so on. To everyone's surprise, the unselfish proposal causes a stir among the people.

Film Review

Obesity in spanish children!

According to Adelardo Caballero (doctor) the spanish childrens are biggest than the european average, because, the parents are very tolerant with their children and they allow that the childrens eat a lot of jellis, sweets, etc. The problem of Spanish society that is not supercharged, as some believe, is that new habits of life impose more processed and fast foods and less exercise.

The results say that there are 18,2% of fat child in Spain and 8,5% have obesity. This is between 2-17 years old, bu if we see the childs between 6-9 years the numbers soar: 45,2% are fat. According to the doctor the figures are worrying. We have to have healthier living habits. They need to Spanish children watch less television and do more exercise at school, of course, but also in their leisure hours at home.

And if physical activity is important, not less food, which must be rich in fruits and vegetables and always balanced.


Big accident in Poland

One collision between two trains in Poland has left 15 deads and 56 injured. One of the trains had one group of ninteen spanish students. For lucky, they're safe, in one school. They are waiting for leave there.

The accident was near of Zawiercie in the traject between Varsovia-Crackovia after 21:00 in Poland. The reason of the collision is that one of the trains goes in the wrong lane. The police not know yet why one of the trains goes in the wrong lane. According to the police, there are some people who are buried by debris. The wounded are being taken on stretchers. The people who participed in the rescu are 450 firefigthers and 100 policemans. They say it is very difficult to move the wagons.

For the moment do not know much more.



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LMFAO is duet of electro pop formed in Los Angeles, USA, in 2006 by Redfo ( his real name is Stefan Kendal Gordy and he was born 3 of September 1975) and his nephew SkyBlu (his real name is Skyler Gordy and he was born 23 of August 1986).

His first single entitled " I'm in Miami Trick" was appeard in 2008, in December and reached the number 51 in the "HOT 100" list. Their more successful singles are: "LaLaLa", "I'm sexy and I know it", "Champagne Showers", "Shots" and the best of them "Parthy Rock Anthem". The last reached the number one in the "HOT 100" overcoming to Pitbull ft. Ne-yo and Nayer in his "Give me everything", and also was the number one in much other lists of the countrys in the world, Spain for example. The group is famous because his style is very rare, in other words they mixed Hip-Hop, Dance and a light-hearted lyrics that speaking about parties and alcohol with humorous. LMFAO is also famous awarded without real merits of a style popular dance in Australia and much of Europe called "Shuffle Dance".

The histroy of the name of the group (LMFAO) is very peculiar. SkyBlu was talking with her mother by means of the mobil phone when he said to her that the group will be called "Sexy dudes". Then her mother said LMFAO. LMFAO are the acronym of Laughing My Fucking Ass Off.


miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

The pets!

What do we mean by pet? According to the dictionary: person, animal o thing that one person take as a symbol. In this redaction I refer to pet as a animal of company that the people have in his houses.

Initially, buy a pet is not very difficult, always that the pet be exotic and/or dangerous. Normally, the people usually have as pet dogs, cats, birds,... But, for any reason, there are some people that they like animals that when they are small seem inofensive and beauty, but, when they grow up, they become in lethal animals, able to devour the people, for example snikes or caiman. For this people is more dificult have one of this animals.

Leaving aside the procurement of animals, everybody knows that, since millions of years, the humans have been able to tame animals, as dogs. This practic of tame is actually using by the humans, but not only with dogs, also with elephants, tigers, dolphins,...

To finish, one personal history: One Saturday in the morning I bought one fish and on Sunday at evening he was dead. Some days after the other fish of the fishbowl were dead too.


martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

The American Dream

In general, we define The American Dream as the equality of opportunity that allow to all the american people achieve his objectives in his lifes, only with effort and determination.

Today, this idea first expressed in 1931 by one american historian, refers that the prosperity depends on the skills of each and his job, but not in a rigid social hierarchy, although the meaning of the phrase has changed over the history of the United States. For some is the opportunity to become in rich person, more than in his originall country.For others, The American Dream is the oppurtinity to his childrens have a good education and big opportunities in his lifes. At last, there are other peolpe that they see The American Dream as the oppurtinity of be a person, in other words, be a guy without prohibitions based on race, religion, etc.

For many immigrans, the Statue of Libery was the first that they saw when they arrived in America and for they means liberty. Is the symbol of The American Dream.

Is a example Barack Obama.


viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

Whitney Houston's dead

Last thursday 9 of february, Whitney was with Brandy Norwood and Monica Arnold to do their trials before the party of the Grammy Awards 2012. Was on that day the last public interpretation of Houston. She sang Jesus Loves Me.

Two days later (11 February 2012), Whitney died at 48 years, in a hotel of Beverly Hills of unknown causes.

Later, the police said that Whitney was drowned in the bath of her room. Her died was determined at 15hours and 55 minutes of Saturday. The doctors tried to encourage the body, but was impossible. The police said there weren't signs of violence or criminal intention, so was affirmed that she dead drowned. In the room had her hairdresser, her stylist and two bodyguard. They said that the singer takes too in the bath, the hairdressed entered in and found that the singer was dead. The forense said that she probably fell asleep for the effects of a sedative and the alcohol. They found water in her lungs.


martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Interviw to Valentin Boycko!

Hello, I am with Valentin Boycko, my school friend. Now I'm going to do an interviw to him. We talk about his music.

ME: Hey Mr Boycko, how are you?
HE: I'm OK, thanks!
ME: I can do some questions to you?
HE: Yes, you can.
ME: The people tell me that you play the guitar. It's true?
HE: Yes, I like play the guitar Mr Ivu.
ME: Since when you play the guitar?
HE: Mmmm.. I think that I started two years ago over there.
ME: Who taught you?
HE: I learn to play guitar with Internet. I search the chords and I improvise my melodies.
ME: Actually, how many guitars you have?
HE: Two.
ME: Do you want practise guitar for you or for other people?
HE: Actually for me, bu in the future I want to be a teacher of guitar for the childrens. I would love to do.
ME: Haha.. It's a good idea. Have you ever play in a pub or in a bar?
HE: Not currently, but there are some pubs that offered me.
ME: If you have the opportunity for make a band, do you do it?
HE: Yes and I want to be the singger of the band.
ME: What do you want with the music?
HE: I don't search the money, only I search to be happy an relax...
ME: Why you don't search the money?
HE: Because, how I say before, I play the guitar for me. I think that the money aren't the most important thing for me. I prefer to be in relax that have a lot of money.
ME: OK this is all for today. Thanks for you attention.
HE: See you later, bye!